General Security
  • Unarmed and Armed Security
  • Community/Residential
  • Construction & Warehouse
  • Transportation
  • Health Care & Government
  • Retail Security & Loss Prevention
General Security
Response Security
  • Emergency Response Team
  • Special Response Team
  • Safety & Security
  • Mobile Response
  • Park Security Guard Services
  • Home Security Services
Response Security
Technology Security
  • Risk Management
  • Surveillance Monitor
  • Security Analyst
  • Live Patrol Reporting
  • Fleet Reporting
Technology Security


We acknowledge that choosing the right cost-effective and knowledgeable security service can be unsettling and uncertain. Our training services aim to provide highly skilled professionals at an affordable rate. You can rely on our team to effectively apply the knowledge they have acquired in deterring and detecting unwelcome guests and activities by implementing our training tactics.

Response Training
  • CPR & AED
  • Mental Hweapon Complianceealth Training
  • Observing Behavior
  • Emergency crowd control
Response Training
Weapon Compliance
  • Required shooting scores
  • Weapon handling and understanding
  • Required weapon compliance course
Weapon Compliance
Course Training
  • Company Quarterly Courses
  • Annual Security Training
  • 30, 60, 90 Training Review
Course Training

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